Never commit plain text secrets to git.
SOPS and Age are used to encrypt secrets before committing them to git.
# Install sops
curl -LO
sudo mv sops-v3.9.2.linux.amd64 /usr/local/bin/sops
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/sops
# Install age
sudo apt install -y age
CLI commands
# Generate a key pair
age-keygen -o age.key
# Set environment variable to the path of the key file
# sops will use this key to encrypt/decrypt files
# VSCode extension and Terraform will also use this env variable
export SOPS_AGE_KEY_FILE=age.key
# Encrypt a file
sops -e secrets.yaml > secrets.yaml.enc
# Decrypt a file
sops -d secrets.yaml.enc
VSCode has an extension to edit encrypted files directly in the editor.
Terraform Provider
For Terraform, sops provider can be used to decrypt the secrets inside the code.
I need to pass in the PVE username and password to the Terraform provider, so I created this encrypted yaml file. In the Terraform code, I can decrypt and use them normally:
terraform {
required_providers {
proxmox = {
source = "bpg/proxmox"
version = "~> 0.69.0"
local = {
source = "hashicorp/local"
version = "~> 2.5.2"
sops = {
source = "carlpett/sops"
version = "~> 1.1.1"
provider "sops" {}
data "sops_file" "secrets" {
# path to the encrypted file
source_file = "${path.module}/secrets-tf.enc.yaml"
locals {
# decrypt the secrets to local variables
pve_endpoint =["pve_endpoint"]
pve_username =["pve_username"]
pve_password =["pve_password"]
provider "proxmox" {
# use the local variables
endpoint = local.pve_endpoint
username = local.pve_username
password = local.pve_password
insecure = true
K3s Cluster
I handle secrets differently in my K3s cluster because I couldn't get SOPS to work with it. Instead, I use External Secrets Operator (ESO) and Doppler to manage my cluster secrets.
In my git repo, I keep an encrypted Doppler token in settings/k3s/
I first decrypt it and apply it to the cluster as a secret.
Then ESO can fetch the secrets from Doppler whenever they're needed.
sops -d remote-secret.enc.yaml | kubectl apply -f -