Armored Core 6
I'm conflicted about this game. The mobs were easy, except for the snipers, which could keep me stun-locked. On the other hand, the bosses felt like a completely different game. They had so many moves, which seemed unavoidable.
However, once I realized that I could buy/sell parts at the same price, it made a lot of sense to have multiple load outs for different situations, the game at that point became a lot more manageable.
The customizations were great, I could download decals from the internet to put them on my robot. I could paint individual parts in whatever colors I want.
The second and third playthroughs were fast and non-challenging. Even for the last boss in the true ending, I only had to restart 3 times.
The tutorial boss killed me more than 10 times, before I learn to use assault boost to get close and melee it. There were multiple instances when the boss was out of the arena and I couldn't reach it, so I had to restart a couple of times.
Balteus was a challenging boss, as I still didn't know what I was doing at that time. I switched to tank legs and constantly kick him to keep him staggered.
The sea spider made me switch to dual melee, the default sword and pile bunker. I was using quad legs and explosive weapons, but it was hard to dodge the lasers with low movement.
For most of the bosses, I alternated between reverse joint leg with dual shotguns and dual songbirds, and mobile tank leg with dual gatling guns and missiles. The mobile tank leg was crazily fast, I could easily dodge lasers and missiles with it. While reading Reddit, I found out that dual stun guns with tank leg were also pretty good, so I might try it in the new game plus.
In the new game mode, there was a new fight with 2 ACs which I felt really unfair. I had only like 2 seconds to deal direct damages to them whenever I staggered one. On the other hand, when I got staggered, it took me 4 seconds to move again. Maybe I could optimize my build to reduce the stagger time, but the game felt cheap when the enemies and I were both ACs, but they seem to have better stats using similar parts.
The game was fun, but the boss fights put a damper on it.